Every man has taken a measurement of his penis at some point, and it’s fair to say that part of the reason that we’ve all done so is because we think women judge us based upon the size of our package.
I mean, women do care, right? Why would guys make such a big deal out of their penis size if it didn’t matter to their lover?
The answer to whether women care about a lot about penis size is not necessarily a simple one. It wholly depends upon the girl, and many factors, including her age and expectations, can play a big factor.
Nevertheless, this post will attempt to address this age-old question for once and for all.
And once your realize your true potential, you may want to start doing exercises!
However, here are the top reasons on whether women really care about your pe
nis size.
The Basics
When it comes to penis size, it’s important to first establish average penis measurements.
The average male penis is 3.5 inches in length when flaccid, and 5.1 inches when erect. The circumference of an average penis is a bit smaller— 3.5 to 3.9 inches when flaccid, and 4.7 inches when erect.
A penis is only considered medically undersized if it is less than 1.6 inches flaccid, or three inches erect.
One study found that 45 percent of men believe that they have a small penis, despite nearly every clinical trial showing that most men are decently endowed.
Does this mean that many of us are making too big of a deal over how big our penis is?
The Answer?
In many cases, we are.
As evidence, the same study that revealed how most men oddly believe they have a small penis, also found that 85 percent of women were content with the size and proportion of their partner’s penis.
In general, women are more likely to remember a great sexual experience as opposed to you having a bigger penis.
When women do indeed express a size preference, it’s counterintuitively often in regards to penis width as opposed to length.
Different Demographics, Different Preferences
A study conducted by Cosmopolitan.com amongst 1,100 millennial females found that 89 percent of those surveyed didn’t have any qualms about their boyfriend’s penis size. This correlates fairly well with the other study aforementioned.
In addition, 33 percent of the girls studied said that they considered their partner’s penis to be bigger than average, while a full 56 percent thought their boyfriend’s penis to be of average proportions.
Where the study begins to get interesting is in its suggestion that typical foreplay or sex does not satisfy millennial women quite like it may have done for previous generations.
Case in point: 62 percent of surveyed women admitted that they rarely or never orgasm from penetration only.
This would seem to suggest that men need to do something other than have a big penis and be good at sex.
It is interesting to note that despite porn being easy and free to access, expectations on the behalf of millennial women in terms of the average man’s penis size are still fairly reasonable. Many have speculated that ubiquitous internet porn— which often depicts men and women with unrealistically large private parts— would skew the real thing for many.
Now all of this insight isn’t to say that women want smaller penises. In fact, one study conducted jointly by researchers at UCLA and Cal State Los Angeles found that only two percent of women would prefer their man’s penis to be smaller. (This study proves that you’ll literally find women with every kind of preference.)
So Why Worry About My Size?
With all of the evidence provided in this post, you may wonder: “Why should I care about my size at all?”
I’ll give you a few reasons.
First of all, while it is clear that an average-sized penis is fine for most women, there are definitely women who still want their guy to have a big package.
Since a big flaccid penis doesn’t always mean an equally big erect penis, and vice versa, it is fairly likely that a woman you take into bed will be surprised— in either a good or bad way.
If your erect size doesn’t end up being as proportionally big as your flaccid size, a penis extender device may be able to help.
This also brings up the point that there a sizable number of men who legitimately aren’t well-endowed in the first place.
A micropenis is an actual medical condition, usually diagnosed at birth. As earlier alluded to, it is defined as having a penis under three inches in length. It is said that about 0.6 percent of the male population has a micropenis.
If you have a micropenis— or just want to grow your penis size regardless— there are some potential solutions, although the science behind them is often murky.
According to the Mayo Clinic, pills and lotions to grow penis size have been proven largely ineffective, and in some cases, even harmful.
Vacuum pumps, which have been historically used to treat erectile dysfunction, can temporarily make a penis appear larger. Unfortunately, they can also have damaging long term effects, such as damaging elastic tissue in the penis. This ends up making erections less firm.
Certain penile exercises have anecdotal evidence of success, but there is little scientific proof, and it is documented that they can lead to disfigurement, pain, and scarring.
This leaves penis extender devices, which have actual proof of being able to extend one’s penis up to an inch— or more. Width can also be optimized.
Phallogauge’s Model S Penis Extender Device has been rigorously tested and shown to increase penis size. It can be carried discreetly, and it’s easy to use.
So, what are you waiting for? Whether you’re looking to shed that micropenis, or go from average to big, you’ve got your solution. As studies show, a bigger penis is never a bad thing.